Todas Tennis las Ligas en united-kingdom
ATP Wimbledon (importancia 33, última o actual Singles - Main)WTA Wimbledon (importancia 33, última o actual Singles - Main)
ATP London (importancia 13, última o actual Singles - Main)
WTA Birmingham (importancia 13, última o actual Singles - Main)
WTA Eastbourne (importancia 13, última o actual Singles - Main)
ATP Eastbourne (importancia 7, última o actual Singles - Main)
ATP Nottingham (importancia 7, última o actual Singles - Main)
Exhibition Hurlingham Men (importancia 7, última o actual )
WTA Nottingham (importancia 7, última o actual Singles - Main)
Boys Singles Wimbledon (importancia 3, última o actual Singles - Main)
Exhibition Boodles Challenge Men (importancia 3, última o actual )
Exhibition Boodles Challenge Women (importancia 3, última o actual )
Exhibition Glasgow Men (importancia 3, última o actual 2017)
Exhibition Hurlingham Women (importancia 3, última o actual )
Girls Singles Wimbledon (importancia 3, última o actual Singles - Main)
Exhibition Battle of the Brits 2 Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition Battle of the Brits 2 Women (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition Battle of the Brits Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 2 Men (importancia 1, última o actual 9th-12th places)
Exhibition UK Pro Series 2 Women (importancia 1, última o actual 9th-12th places)
Exhibition UK Pro Series 3 Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 3 Women (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 4 Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 4 Women (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 5 Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 5 Women (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 6 Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series 6 Women (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series Men (importancia 1, última o actual )
Exhibition UK Pro Series Women (importancia 1, última o actual 9th-12th places)
Tennis los Equipos en united-kingdom Activas
Abigail Amos WTA: 1325. (last match - 28.08.2024)
Adam Jones ATP: 1646. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Aidan McHugh ATP: 498. (last match - 13.11.2024)
Alastair Gray ATP: 670. (last match - 12.01.2025)
Aleksandar Daskalovic (last match - 18.06.2024)
Alexander Carlos Parker (last match - 13.03.2024)
Alexander Maggs ATP: 1858. (last match - 30.10.2024)
Alexis Canter ATP: 1441. (last match - 10.12.2024)
Ali Collins (last match - 03.04.2024)
Ali Habib ATP: 966. (last match - 16.01.2025)
Alice Gillan WTA: 620. (last match - 30.10.2024)
Allegra Korpanec Davies (last match - 06.08.2024)
Amarni Banks WTA: 258. (last match - 04.12.2024)
Amelia Bissett (last match - 13.08.2024)
Amelia Rajecki WTA: 541. (last match - 10.01.2025)
Andy Murray ATP: 62. (last match - 02.07.2024)
Anjali Kotecha (last match - 11.12.2024)
Annabel Davis (last match - 13.11.2024)
Annabelle Lammas (last match - 16.01.2025)
Anton Matusevich ATP: 461. (last match - 10.01.2025)
Arthur Fery ATP: 258. (last match - 14.09.2024)
Aryana Bartlett WTA: 1326. (last match - 05.06.2024)
Athina Schlepphorst (last match - 16.01.2025)
Ava Williamson (last match - 25.09.2024)
Ben Jones Tennis ATP: 653. (last match - 15.01.2025)
Benjamin Gusic Wan (last match - 13.08.2024)
Billy Blaydes ATP: 1350. (last match - 17.07.2024)
Billy Harris ATP: 126. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Blu Baker ATP: 695. (last match - 17.01.2025)
Bronte Murgett WTA: 892. (last match - 12.11.2024)
Brooke Black WTA: 1297. (last match - 29.10.2024)
Cameron Norrie ATP: 48. (last match - 13.01.2025)
Charles Broom ATP: 276. (last match - 03.01.2025)
Charlie Robertson ATP: 1203. (last match - 05.01.2025)
Charlie Swaine (last match - 15.10.2024)
Ciara Moore (last match - 03.10.2024)
Constandena Nicolaou (last match - 17.07.2024)
Daniel Cox ATP: 459. (last match - 03.05.2024)
Daniel Evans ATP: 167. (last match - 14.01.2025)
Daniel Little ATP: 1115. (last match - 08.08.2024)
Daniel Vishnick ATP: 2084. (last match - 27.11.2024)
Daniela Piani (last match - 30.10.2024)
Danielle Daley WTA: 986. (last match - 23.10.2024)
David Quayle ATP: 1974. (last match - 22.10.2024)
Dominic West (last match - 28.08.2024)
Eden Silva WTA: 807. (last match - 26.10.2024)
Eleanor Dean (last match - 22.08.2024)
Eliz Maloney WTA: 996. (last match - 29.10.2024)
Ella McDonald WTA: 402. (last match - 04.12.2024)
Emile Hudd ATP: 531. (last match - 01.01.2025)
Emilie Lindh WTA: 470. (last match - 06.03.2024)
Emily Appleton WTA: 415. (last match - 03.01.2025)
Emily Webley-Smith (last match - 10.04.2024)
Emma Raducanu WTA: 61. (last match - 17.01.2025)
Emma Wilson WTA: 964. (last match - 29.10.2024)
Esther Adeshina WTA: 947. (last match - 14.11.2024)
Ewen Lumsden ATP: 660. (last match - 16.01.2025)
Fabio Nestola ATP: 2084. (last match - 27.11.2024)
Felix Gill ATP: 437. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Felix Mischker ATP: 2045. (last match - 27.11.2024)
Finn Bass ATP: 1089. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Finn Lester (last match - 18.06.2024)
Francesca Jones WTA: 153. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Francesca Simpson (last match - 29.10.2024)
Freddie Ridout (last match - 30.10.2024)
Freddy Blaydes (last match - 18.07.2024)
Freya Christie WTA: 654. (last match - 03.12.2024)
Gabia Paskauskas (last match - 15.11.2024)
George Houghton ATP: 1006. (last match - 17.07.2024)
George Loffhagen ATP: 574. (last match - 17.09.2024)
Georgina Hays (last match - 25.09.2024)
Giles Hussey ATP: 421. (last match - 04.01.2025)
Grace Piper (last match - 18.07.2024)
Hamish Stewart ATP: 601. (last match - 18.01.2025)
Hannah Klugman WTA: 613. (last match - 06.12.2024)
Hannah Rylatt (last match - 01.05.2024)
Harriet Dart WTA: 112. (last match - 15.01.2025)
Harry Rock (last match - 06.08.2024)
Harry Thursfield (last match - 20.11.2024)
Harry Wendelken ATP: 672. (last match - 06.01.2025)
Heather Watson WTA: 166. (last match - 07.01.2025)
Henry Searle ATP: 513. (last match - 11.01.2025)
Hephzibah Oluwadare WTA: 892. (last match - 28.11.2024)
Holly Hutchinson WTA: 1050. (last match - 14.11.2024)
Hugo Coquelin ATP: 1241. (last match - 13.11.2024)
Imogen Haddad (last match - 09.08.2024)
Indianna Spink (last match - 30.10.2024)
Isabelle Cherny WTA: 1288. (last match - 25.10.2024)
Isabelle Lacy WTA: 1322. (last match - 15.10.2024)
Jack Draper ATP: 18. (last match - 18.01.2025)
Jack Pinnington Jones ATP: 394. (last match - 15.11.2024)
Jacob Fearnley ATP: 92. (last match - 16.01.2025)
James Beaven (last match - 10.12.2024)
James Connel ATP: 1354. (last match - 07.08.2024)
James MacKinlay (last match - 24.11.2024)
James Story ATP: 787. (last match - 16.01.2025)
James Wilkinson (last match - 15.01.2025)
Jan Choinski ATP: 173. (last match - 07.01.2025)
Jaquelyn Ogunwale (last match - 30.04.2024)
Jasmine Conway WTA: 767. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Jay Clarke ATP: 269. (last match - 13.01.2025)
Jeremy Gschwendtner ATP: 1139. (last match - 11.12.2024)
Jizel Matos Sequeira Fernandes WTA: 1081. (last match - 26.12.2024)
Jodie Anna Burrage WTA: 173. (last match - 15.01.2025)
Joe Leather ATP: 2082. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Joe Tyler ATP: 1441. (last match - 15.10.2024)
Joel Mark Gibson (last match - 18.09.2024)
Johannus Monday ATP: 374. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Joshua Goodger ATP: 1268. (last match - 06.08.2024)
Katherine Barnes WTA: 836. (last match - 12.12.2024)
Katie Boulter WTA: 25. (last match - 16.01.2025)
Katie Swan WTA: 584. (last match - 30.07.2024)
Katy Dunne WTA: 322. (last match - 25.06.2024)
Kristina Paskauskas WTA: 882. (last match - 29.11.2024)
Kyle Edmund ATP: 350. (last match - 03.11.2024)
Kyle Rae (last match - 09.10.2024)
Kyle Stocker (last match - 28.02.2024)
Lauryn John-Baptiste WTA: 893. (last match - 03.10.2024)
Liam Broady ATP: 546. (last match - 06.01.2025)
Lois Newberry (last match - 02.10.2024)
Louis Allen (last match - 31.10.2024)
Louis Bowden (last match - 06.08.2024)
Luc Koenig ATP: 1204. (last match - 07.08.2024)
Luca Bluett (last match - 02.07.2024)
Luca Pow (last match - 20.10.2024)
Lucia Cassidy (last match - 11.09.2024)
Lui Maxted ATP: 1263. (last match - 05.01.2025)
Luka Petrovic ATP: 1648. (last match - 25.06.2024)
Luke Hooper (last match - 30.10.2024)
Luke Simkiss ATP: 1193. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Marcus Walters ATP: 1145. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Marelie Raath (last match - 10.12.2024)
Mark Ceban (last match - 29.10.2024)
Mark Whitehouse ATP: 990. (last match - 16.11.2024)
Matthew Summers ATP: 871. (last match - 16.01.2025)
Mattias Southcombe ATP: 2143. (last match - 04.12.2024)
Max Basing ATP: 609. (last match - 22.11.2024)
Max Benaim ATP: 2101. (last match - 12.12.2024)
Megan Davies (last match - 09.08.2024)
Mia Wainwright (last match - 29.10.2024)
Michael Shaw ATP: 2150. (last match - 12.12.2024)
Mika Stojsavljevic WTA: 636. (last match - 22.10.2024)
Millen Hurrion ATP: 1022. (last match - 30.12.2024)
Mingge Xu WTA: 519. (last match - 09.01.2025)
Nadia Rawson (last match - 19.09.2024)
Naiktha Bains WTA: 508. (last match - 27.11.2024)
Nicolas Philibert ATP: 1730. (last match - 06.11.2024)
Oliver Bonding ATP: 1945. (last match - 13.11.2024)
Oliver Crawford ATP: 388. (last match - 18.01.2025)
Oliver Okonkwo ATP: 1508. (last match - 25.11.2024)
Oliver Tarvet ATP: 632. (last match - 21.08.2024)
Oscar Weightman ATP: 1032. (last match - 17.11.2024)
Patrick Brady Tennis ATP: 746. (last match - 06.01.2025)
Patrick Foley ATP: 2017. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Paul Jubb ATP: 185. (last match - 06.01.2025)
Peter Alam ATP: 1718. (last match - 15.01.2025)
Phoenix Weir ATP: 1756. (last match - 31.10.2024)
Rahul Dhokia ATP: 1936. (last match - 29.10.2024)
Ranah Akua Stoiber WTA: 526. (last match - 27.11.2024)
Ruby Cooling (last match - 29.10.2024)
Russell Henderson (last match - 19.11.2024)
Ryan Golesworthy (last match - 15.10.2024)
Ryan James Storrie ATP: 1013. (last match - 13.03.2024)
Ryan Peniston ATP: 428. (last match - 06.01.2025)
Samantha Murray WTA: 1079. (last match - 08.09.2024)
Samuel Nicholson (last match - 15.05.2024)
Sarah Beth Grey WTA: 413. (last match - 19.11.2024)
Sarah Tatu WTA: 794. (last match - 13.11.2024)
Scarlet Kavanagh (last match - 06.08.2024)
Sean Hodkin ATP: 1513. (last match - 30.10.2024)
Sonay Kartal WTA: 87. (last match - 11.01.2025)
Sophie Drakeford-Lewis (last match - 01.05.2024)
Stefan Cooper ATP: 1958. (last match - 11.12.2024)
Stuart Parker ATP: 519. (last match - 13.12.2024)
Summer Yardley (last match - 02.10.2024)
Talia Neilson-Gatenby WTA: 1041. (last match - 16.07.2024)
Tara Moore WTA: 1067. (last match - 03.01.2025)
Tegan Bush (last match - 30.10.2024)
Thomas Drayton (last match - 28.08.2024)
Tiffany William WTA: 1208. (last match - 20.11.2024)
Tiran Sanghera ATP: 1756. (last match - 19.09.2024)
Toby Martin ATP: 887. (last match - 05.01.2025)
Toby Samuel ATP: 718. (last match - 12.09.2024)
Tom Hands ATP: 1469. (last match - 19.12.2024)
Victoria Allen (last match - 17.07.2024)
Viktor Frydrych (last match - 25.09.2024)
Vlada Kozak (last match - 16.01.2025)
William Jansen ATP: 1173. (last match - 08.01.2025)
Yuriko Lily Miyazaki WTA: 182. (last match - 18.01.2025)
Zach Stephens ATP: 1279. (last match - 22.05.2024)
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